Monday, August 14, 2006

Weight Loss : The Top Ten Things You Dont Want to Hear About Losing Weight

The Top Ten Things You Dont Want to Hear About Losing Weight

(But What You Need to Know if You Want to Get Fit!)

10) No, you won't end up looking like the latest hot young model/singer/actress!

Let's face it: your body is your body. It's the only one you've got. Can you still look great? Sure! But there are some things you can't change. You can't make your legs longer or your feet smaller. You can't grow five inches or elongate your torso. You have what you have, so work with it! Concentrate on making a healthy and fit you instead of wishing you looked like someone else. You don't have to be perfect to be attractive. A strong, fit body as well as the self-confidence it brings can make any person attractive!

9) It's better to be muscular and weigh more than to be flabby and weigh less.

I've said it so many times: I'd much rather be 135lbs and muscular than 120lbs and flabby. I've been both, and 135lbs with a lower percent of body fat was definitely better! I was smaller, stronger and had much more energy. So, don't always seek that magical number on the scale, but look at your total body composition instead.

8) You can't get fit in a week.

Okay, well, you can, but only if you're one week away from being in peak condition and you keep working out. Otherwise, forget about it! If you want to look good for that class reunion or because you'll be in a bikini soon, then get moving way before that. Or better yet, get moving for your own health and not for "things" like reunions and bikinis.

7) You need to put some effort into it.

You want to get fit? You have to work at it. You have to plan it, you have to schedule it, and, most importantly, you have to do it. No excuses. Sitting on the couch, telling yourself you should be doing something will not burn up a lot of calories. If nothing else, get out there and start walking. And while you're out there walking think about a plan of action for a healthier you and get started on it today - not tomorrow!

6) You need to exercise.

Can you lose weight just by diet alone? Sure, you can! But if you want to get fit, you need to exercise those muscles, including your heart. And that heart won't get any exercise if you're sitting on the couch, eating broccoli. Lose the weight that you need to lose and you'll just end up with a thin, but flabby, body. Get moving! Weight training is ideal, but if you're really not into weight training, find an activity you like to do that work all your major muscle groups.

5) You need to eat properly.

Putting aside any low carb/low fat/high protein controversies, the simple fact is, if you want a fit body, you need to nourish it. Protein, carbs and fat are important, but vitamins and minerals are key elements that your body needs, too. No matter what way of eating you're following make sure you're getting enough vitamins and minerals. Add a variety of fresh vegetables and fruit to your diet. The next time you go grocery shopping, linger around the produce section and not only pick out some old favorites, but experiment a little by trying something new!

4) You can't lose weight overnight.

You didn't gain it overnight -- or in two months -- and you're not going to lose it overnight -- or in two months. Think of getting fit as a train leaving the station: you start off slow, gather speed and then off you go! Patience is the key here. Look for consistent trends. If you're really not losing fat and getting stronger after a couple of months, then you need to sit down and honestly analyze what you're doing. Keep a journal to help you know how you're really eating and exercising.

3) You can't spot reduce.

Genetics will decide where the fat will come off. Doing 1000 crunches won't reduce your belly fat. Nor will 1000 leg lifts get rid of the fat on your inner thighs. Your body does not burn the fat it needs from the body part that you're exercising. Your body will burn fat much like an onion is peeled, a layer at a time, if you will. So, don't overdo it on the exercise for one specific body part and look to getting your whole body in shape.

2) There are no quick fixes.

That's right, you heard me. There are no quick fixes. None. Put all those pills, potions, contraptions and miracle diets in the garbage where they belong. Learn the basics about how your body gains muscle and loses fat, so you won't get sucked in by another scam again.

1) Fitness is a lifelong commitment!

So, you faithfully work out and eat properly and you've reached your goals. Now what? Well, now you've got to keep doing it for the rest of your life, that's what! You can't just work your way to being fit and then stop, because you'll end up exactly like you were before. Fitness is a lifelong commitment. And, you want to know a secret? It isn't easy! And anyone who says it is easy is trying to sell you something. Make fitness a lifelong ambition and you'll reap the rewards of a long and healthy life, filled with energy, strength and an overall sense of well being.

Suzanne Hiscock has been interested in fitness and nutrition for over 16 years.  She is the owner of FitWatch Inc. and developer of the FitWatch Fitness Tracker, an online food and exercise tracker.  You can visit the site at for a variety of fitness calculators and tools.

How You Can Erase Low Back Pain Using the Latest Medical Techniques!

How You Can Erase Low Back Pain Using the Latest Medical Techniques!

"If you're one the nine out of ten adults in the United States who suffers from low back pain, I have good news for you!" states Dr. Nathan Wei, a board-certified rheumatologist and Clinical Director of the Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center of Maryland.

"Low back pain is the most expensive work-related injury as well as the third most common reason for a surgical procedure," Dr. Wei adds.

The spine is a complex collection...

It consists of bones, called vertebrae, and the joints that allow them to interact; discs that separate the vertebrae from each other; the spinal cord and nerves; the soft tissues such as muscles and ligaments that help hold the spine together. Your spine has 3 major functions including protecting the spinal cord, supporting the body in an upright position, and allowing the body to move freely.

The four major categories of low back pain are:

? Mechanical- arising from either trauma or repetitive motion

? Degenerative- usually from arthritic causes

? Systemic- arising from medical illnesses

? Stress-induced

Mechanical causes are responsible for more than 90% of back pain and the most common cause of back pain is probably muscle injury due to strain or sprain. Other common causes include disc herniation, spondylolisthesis (a condition where the vertebra slips on the one below it), spinal stenoiss (narrowing of the canal that carries the spinal cord), scoliosis (curvature of the spine), osteoporosis (a disease where the bones become fragile and break), and arthritis. Bone tumors are another potential cause.

"Treatment is entirely dependent on diagnosis!"

Dr. Wei says, "There are simple ways to help your back. For instance use the log roll technique to get into and out of bed. Think of your body as a log, and make sure you move it as a unit... rolling into and out of bed."...
He says, "use the same idea when getting into and out of your car. Don't twist or stick one leg one way and the other leg a different way. Move your body as a unit..."

Check your work area

Make sure your computer, chair, and other parts of your work environment are "friendly" to your back. Good support for your low back as well as your legs is important.

Exercise regularly

Dr. Wei reminds us, "...Stretching is important for your spine?Since rotation is a key movement and the upright position is part of our daily routine, we need to incorporate exercises that stretch and strengthen those muscles that are important for twisting and for posture."

Space Age Treatment

"A new addition to our low back pain tool kit is a procedure device called intervertebral disc decompression or IDD. It helps decompress the vertebrae non-surgically, and non-invasively. Studies to date have shown a response rate of up to 86%," adds Dr. Wei

Dr. Wei concludes, "Surgical procedures are a last ditch effort...and should be reserved for patients who have pain unresponsive to conservative treatment or who have a progressive neurologic problem."

Dr. Wei (pronounced "way") is a board-certified rheumatologist and Clinical Director of the nationally respected Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center of Maryland. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and has served as a consultant to the Arthritis Branch of the National Institutes of Health. He is a Fellow of the American College of Rheumatology and the American College of Physicians.
For more information on arthritis and related conditions, go to:

Weight Loss : Real Weight Loss Begins Today...With Cliff Kuhn, M.D.s Fun Factor Diet!

Real Weight Loss Begins Today...With Cliff Kuhn, M.D.s Fun Factor Diet!

Weight Loss is something that many Americans struggle with. In this article, Cliff Kuhn, M.D. will teach you why your weight loss techniques so far have been unsuccessful, and how to correctly lose weight - and keep it off!

P.T. Barnum, who dedicated his life to entertaining the masses, often relied on size-related adjectives to sell his attractions. His posters and announcements were peppered with words like mammoth, extraordinary, colossal, and gargantuan.

Unfortunately, if you're like most of us those words might be used to describe you as well. Americans have an obsession with weight loss and with good reason; the percentage of overweight people in the United States is doubling every ten years - from 1 in 200 in 1986, to 1 in 50 in 2000. Without some weight loss, pretty soon there won't be enough room for us all on this continent!

We've identified a curious paradox: Americans are obsessed with weight loss and spend billions on it each year, yet 140 million of us are overweight or obese - and that number grows (pun intended) each year. With all that energy and money thrown at it, why can't we experience more weight loss and why do we pack it on in the first place?

Why Do We Gain Weight...and Where is the Weight Loss We Crave?

Let's quickly move beyond simple, though true, solutions. We intellectually "know" that there are only three things necessary for weight loss (outside of a medical condition): eating the correct foods, eating less, and getting more exercise. We "know" these things are true, yet why don't we do them?

The answer is simple and, luckily for you, so is the solution. As you learn the following diet you will realize that with a little willingness and discipline you need never worry about weight loss again. You will come to believe, in short order, that you will have as much weight loss as you desire and you will never gain it back because you will understand how logical and powerful my diet is!

Let's just be honest about it - we love food! Eating is an enjoyable ritual and we commonly use food to reward ourselves because it feels good to eat. Whenever we feel unfulfilled or frustrated (when we need affirmation or esteem) we are naturally drawn to fill that void with food. When we're lacking pleasure in our lives we rely on the eating ritual to make up the difference.

And this formula works; overfilling ourselves with food does fill our emptiness. It works so well that, just like any addict, we become gluttons - regularly overstuffing ourselves and/or eating too much "comfort" food to fill our emotional void. The end result, despite our best intentions, is a constant, steady weight gain because we're using food for a purpose it is not intended - support.

The Solution to Your Weight Loss Problems

The healthful solution I've created to fill your emptiness exists already inside you because you were born with it. Unlike food, this solution fills your void while also fostering lasting and sustainable health, vitality, energy, and fitness. Instead of food, what you need is the natural medicine of humor because humor and fun are the most accessible and constant sources of energy and support known.

Because it is an energy, fun is readily and abundantly in you and around you. Once you learn to find more fun in your relationships, your work, and your home life I guarantee you will quickly do away with those excess pounds - and they'll never return. And the best news is...I will teach you exactly how to do this using my Fun Factor Diet.

My Fun Factor Diet is based upon my unique prescription, The Fun Factor, because The Fun Factor delivers you to new heights of health, wellness, and success. Years ago a terminally ill patient, Lisa, taught me about the incredibly powerful natural medicine of humor. I used Lisa's lessons to create my Fun Commandments, eventually molding them into my unique prescription, The Fun Factor, capable of producing health, energy, and vitality that others will envy.

My Fun Factor Diet works because it is based on my Fun Commandments and, thus, enables you to unleash your powerful humor nature on every aspect of your life. As you learn to have more fun in your relationships, your work, and your home life, you will rely less and less on food to meet your emotional needs. With the Fun Factor Diet the urge to overeat melts away, along with the excess pounds because you will be using food for its natural purpose - sustenance.

And, as a bonus, since my Fun Factor Diet is based on fun, you will laugh more frequently. Laughter is an excellent form of aerobic exercise; a hearty, belly laugh produces the same physical response as thirty minutes on the Stairmaster. When you laugh it gives your heart and lungs a good work out are burning additional calories just by practicing my unique diet!

The Fun Factor Diet

Step One: Go the Extra Smile

The first strategy of my Fun Factor Diet is to Always Go the Extra Smile. Smiling is a deliberate and controllable behavior that almost always calms inner stress and attracts outward fun. Smiling unleashes the natural medicine of humor anytime and anywhere because it has a profound physical and emotional impact.

The key is to increase your conscious effort to smile constantly, especially when there is nothing in particular to smile about. Before you begin an activity, you remind yourself to smile first; before each conversation, you remind yourself to smile. You'll soon be wearing a genuine smile on your face everywhere you go because the good results you experience will create a self-fulfilling prophecy.

And here is the beautifully powerful weight loss secret behind the first Fun Factor Diet strategy: your internal physiology is fooled by your smile. Whether spontaneous or forced, your body thinks you're having fun when you smile, whether you are or not, because smiling activates the pleasure centers of your brain. By smiling you literally become more physically relaxed and enjoy a greater sense of fulfillment and enjoyment.

The amazing benefit of this Fun Factor Diet tactic is that the lessening of your internal agitation decreases your cravings to eat when you're not really hungry. And, as a bonus, your smile attracts more social attention - leaving you less time to stuff yourself because people are mysteriously attracted to you without quite knowing why. By Going the Extra Smile you're well on your way to weight loss by filling your emotional void with fun rather than food!

Step Two: Be Willing to Laugh with Yourself

Step two in my Fun Factor Diet is to Be Willing to Laugh with Yourself. This is not a step of humiliation or self-denigration because those things are definitely not fun; it is a strategy of being willing to take yourself lightly. Easing your harsh expectations you impose on yourself, relaxing some of your self-administered pressure, sets the stage for astounding personal gains (or in your case personal "losses")

At this stage of my Fun Factor Diet, you will make a deliberate effort to take yourself and your expectations less seriously. You will adopt a kindlier stance toward your fears and inconsistencies because you have been much too hard on yourself. The results will be a dramatic lightness (both figuratively and literally) of mind, body, and spirit.

Freed from the tyranny of your unrealistic expectations, you will be able to relax and have more fun. Things you have dreaded doing in the past will become enjoyable activities because you won't have expectations of perfection. Combined with your commitment to Go the Extra Smile, you will find your use of food to calm and comfort yourself almost extinguished because taking yourself lightly helps you see yourself as, literally, less "heavy."

Step Three: Stay Focused, yet Flexible

The third step in my Fun Factor Diet makes the most dramatic difference in your actual eating habits and provides the mechanics of your weight loss. The employment of my Fun Commandment, Stay Focused, yet Flexible, keeps you grounded in the moment, the here and now, because it challenges you to give 100% attention to what you are doing right now. Staying Focused, yet Flexible provides the dramatic weight loss breakthrough you've been waiting for because your entire paradigm of eating is about to change!

On the Fun Factor Diet you Stay Focused, yet Flexible by not engaging in any other activity while you are eating. Activities that have commonly accompanied your eating are to be shunned while putting food in your mouth - including reading, watching television, or socializing at get-togethers. With the exception of reasonable table conversation, eating becomes a focused activity for you, not connected with any other behavior because you are about to halt the underlying cause of your weight gain.

Once you begin disciplining yourself to separate eating from all the pleasurable and stressful activities with which you have associated it, you will discover a disturbing fact: you will be shocked by how much you've been using food as both a stress reliever and a pleasure enhancer. Your weight loss can be dramatic when you change your use of food from pleasure enhancement and stress relief to simple nourishment. You're ready for this change because, with the first two steps in my diet, you've already begun to fill your emotional and spiritual void with fun rather than food.

This step of my Fun Factor Diet has two primary benefits: you become more acutely aware of your opportunities for fun away from food, which allows you to become even more effective at satisfying your emotional needs with fun, and by eating with full focus you increase the enjoyment and appreciation for your food, which allows you to use food as nourishment rather than pleasure. When you combine having fun apart from food with getting greater enjoyment from the food you are eating, you experience weight loss because you are no longer using it in a contrived and artificial fashion!

Step Four: Practice Wanting What You Have, Rather than Getting What You Want

The final step in my Fun Factor Diet will make your weight loss permanent because it centers you in the unique paradigm of lasting success. My Fun Commandment, Practice Wanting What You Have, Rather Then Getting What You Want, increases your awareness of gratitude because it stops the merry-go-round of always needing "more" to feel satisfied. Ongoing gratitude for what you have has the amazing benefit of making it possible to get and keep more of what you want.

We all make the mistake of taking for granted the things we truly value and focus, instead, on all the things we want that we do not yet possess. This focus makes us desperate and puts conditions on our happiness, because our success never satisfies us and we only wind up needing more. If you ever want to have more fun in your life (as you're going to be doing on my Fun Factor Diet), you begin by counting the blessings you already have because that will make your weight loss, and other achievements, lasting and real.

Becoming adept at this portion of my Fun Factor Diet does two things: it continually reminds you of the many gifts you've already been given and it decreases your appetite for those things you think you want will. Realizing that you have everything you need to be happy today eases the stress of not having everything you want because all the pressure is gone - you're already a success! The end result of this strategy is that you will not feel as empty, resulting in greater weight loss from a lowered desire to fill your void with food.

Filling yourself up with gratitude is not a platitude, so to speak, because it works in real practice. You eat in excess to fill an emotional and/or spiritual void, not because you are hungry; you eat too much to provide yourself with emotional comfort, fulfillment, and reassurance. The strategy of Practicing Wanting What you Have, Rather than Getting What you Want, actually fills this emptiness in a meaningful, lasting manner because your emotional appetite is satisfied by the things that really sustain it!

Smiling fools your body and attracts socially fun attention, Taking Yourself Lightly releases you from the tyranny of your unrealistic expectations, Staying Focused, yet Flexible teaches you to use food for nourishment rather than fun, and Wanting What you Have allows you to fill your emotional void with fun and gratitude rather than food. There you have it... weight loss from the natural medicine of humor and my Fun Factor Diet!

Welcome to a Life Free from Weight Worries...Start Right Now!

Here are some simple, easy steps you can take right now to prepare yourself for permanent, painless weight loss.

Subscribe to my Fun Times newsletter. The Fun Times is all about using your natural power of humor to increase the quality of your life - including your physical appearance. The Fun Times is 100% free, and is delivered instantly, every week, to your email inbox. If you sign up now, I'll also throw in a copy of my "Stop Your Seriousness" Ecourse and my book, Ten Ways You Can Be Happier...Right Now! which will show you how you can use my Fun Factor prescription in your life to increase your success!

Check out The Fun Factor. This prescription has changed so many lives for the better - it would be a shame if you passed it up. Check it out here if you're sick of being overweight and are ready for weight loss once and for all!

By the way, in one of his museums, P.T. Barnum found that he was having trouble getting the crowds to leave once they had seen all the attractions. So he devised a clever sign, elaborately lettered to draw as much attention as possible, which read "This Way to the Egress"

Most of the patrons expected to see some bizarre animal that Barnum had collected from one of the far corners of the earth when they followed the sign through the door. What they didn't realize, however, was that "Egress" is simply another word for "Exit." Funny...and true.

Today you begin your "egress" from excess weight and from all your worries surrounding it. Start using my Fun Factor Diet right now!

Clifford Kuhn, M.D., America's Laugh Doctor, teaches people and organizations to be more healthy and successful through the use of fun and humor. A psychiatrist, and the former associate chairperson of the University of Louisville's renowned Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Kuhn now dispenses his prescription for turbo-charging your health, success, and vitality from On his website you will find tons of fun, free ways for you to maximize your sense of humor, and enjoy a life others will envy.

Yoga For a Beginner

Yoga For a Beginner

Yoga for a beginner is an exciting time when you start to discover all of the wonderful benefits that yoga has to offer. When you first begin yoga, there are several things you can do to make your experience positive.

The following are ideas you might want to consider as you begin your yoga journey.

Types of Yoga
It is a good idea when you are doing yoga as a beginner, that you choose a style that matches your fitness level, personality, and health condition. Review what each type of yoga has to offer so you can choose a class that is best suited to you.

Yoga Instruction
Yoga for a beginner is best practiced under the supervision of an experienced teacher. It is important to maintain proper body alignment. A good teacher will make corrections so you don't injure yourself and can also offer modifications if you have any physical restrictions. A teacher can also help you go a little deeper into a pose so you get the most from your practice.

You can find beginner yoga classes at many studios and gyms. Often the first class is free, so you can try different classes to see which ones you like best.

Yoga Attitude
An important point to realize about yoga for a beginner is that it is non-competitive. You are not trying to stretch farther than other people in the class or even keep up with them. You are paying attention to your body, and while you want to challenge it, you also want to listen to it. If, at any point during your practice, you begin to feel pain, either ease up a little, or come out of the pose. It is more important to honor your body than to try to do a pose perfectly.

The most important point in yoga for a beginner is to breathe correctly during the postures. In yoga you breathe in and out through your nose in order to allow yourself to breathe more deeply. Breathing helps you get relaxed and it also helps you move more deeply into the poses. If you feel an area of tension in your body, you can direct your breathe to that spot to help it release. If, at any time during a pose, you find that you cannot breathe deeply, either ease up or come out of the pose. Breathing correctly is one of the most important goals in any yoga practice.

Yoga for a Beginner Kit
You might want to get a beginner yoga kit, which usually includes a sticky mat, a strap, and one or two yoga blocks. Some also include a yoga video so you can supplement your classes with practice at home.

Preparing for Class
Do not eat a heavy meal fore several hours before your class. Yoga is best practiced on an empty stomach. Do drink water, both before and after your practice in order to keep your body well hydrated.

Yoga for a beginner is the first step on a journey of ever increasing self-awareness, a greater level of strength,

Della Menechella is a yoga and fitness enthusiast who has been involved in fitness for over thirty years. Here website is filled with practical information about how you can make yoga and fitness a positive part of your life.

endurance, and flexibility, and a deeper sense of peace. Have fun and enjoy everything along the way!

Weight Loss : 3 Ways Going with the Flow Will Make You Fat - And What To Do About It!

3 Ways Going with the Flow Will Make You Fat - And What To Do About It!

Wanna know the truth? If you're going to be slim, you're going to have to swim against the current. You're going to have to take charge of your body and make your own decisions?cause if you go with the flow today, I guarantee that you're going to be fat.

Here are 3 reasons why:

#1) Rampant Portion Sizes

'Supersize it', 'Biggie Fries', 'Value Meal', 'Super Big Gulp' - phrases that we use so commonly, it's hard to believe that we'd have to explain what they mean to someone from another era.

Restaurants have blown their portion sizes so big in the name of providing 'value' that one meal could feed a small soccer team.

Considering that your stomach is roughly the size of your fist (but thank goodness it stretches!), the portion sizes you get today in the average restaurant could probably fill 5 or more stomachs.

But we're told to get our money's worth right? So go ahead and eat up. That way you can spend your money going to the doctor for obesity related health problems later. That's truly getting your money's worth!

#2) Diet as Religion

Diets boast a stellar 2-5% success rate (that's a 98% FAILURE rate by the way). And yet if an alien landed in North America, he (or she) would be convinced that our society must be built on the value of dieting.

Billboards, magazines, books, television shows, ads, even restaurant menus?everywhere you look you're inundated with the latest diet, diet food or diet plan. Diets are touted as the ONLY solution to weight loss.

We have more diets on the market now than ever before. We have more people on a diet now than ever before - and yet we continue to get fatter?is there ANY POSSIBLE connection here?

#3) Escalator Generation

Go with the flow and you'll enjoy a multitude of worldly conveniences. You can microwave your dinner in 5 minutes, load your dishwasher in 2 and pay the dog walker in 1. You don't have to walk to the store - just hop in the car. Your kids don't have to go swimming - they've got a new Xbox game. Don't bother taking the stairs because there's an elevator.

You can sit at a desk for long hours without even getting up from your chair. And when you do come home from work - you have the luxury of flopping on the couch and watching 'Friends' while eating takeout.

Go with the flow my friend and you'll expend less energy while eating more. Oh - and you'll also be told that taking a pill is the only way to solve the problem of your ever-increasing waistline.

One of the best photographs I ever saw was of the front of a gym. There was a staircase leading up to the gym with an escalator beside it. And you guessed it - people were taking the escalator UP to the gym! The only guy on the stairs was walking DOWN them. That pretty much sums up the problem.

Unfortunately, if you go with the flow in our world today, chances are very high that you're going to get fat. BUT by knowing what you're up against, you can take steps to go against the flow. By taking a stand, taking charge and making positive choices for your body - you can live slim and healthy in a world skewed towards weight gain.

Discover how to lose weight WITHOUT diets, drugs or surgery. There IS an easier way. To learn the secrets of the masters click here:

The Check Doctor Credentials Theory

The Check Doctor Credentials Theory

In 2003, there where more than 890 million doctor visits in the U.S. according to the (CDC) Center for Diseases Control and Prevention. "More now than ever consumers are not only researching their doctor, but are also demanding the highest quality of health care" says Hugo Gallegos, President of

Check Doctor Credentials

Doctor information (reports) such as check doctor credentials, medical doctor ratings, doctor background checks , and check surgeon quality, just a few years ago scarcely existed. Most doctor credential information pertaining to disciplinary actions and so on, where kept on the hush side. Now, all that has changed, consumers understand that experience varies from doctor to doctor. With more companies offering doctor credential information consumers are spending more time researching their doctors.

  • A doctor background check can be accomplished in a variety of ways depending what the consumers wants. Example: If a consumer wants to find out if his or her doctor has ever had disciplinary actions issued against them, the Federation of State Medical Boards (excluding National Practitioner Data Bank) has more doctor disciplinary report information than any other establishment in America, and the cost is $9.95 per report.


1. They are the undisputed heavyweights of doctor background checks for disciplinary actions.


1. They only specialize in disciplinary doctor reports.

  • If consumers want to view medical doctor ratings on particular doctors, their are different choices available. It is not clear what their methodology is based on, however, a popular choice seems to be Health Grades Inc. They have a wide selection of doctors nationwide to choose from, however with such an enormous database, you might want to double check your info for accuracy.


1. A huge medical doctor ratings database, bigger selection of doctors


1. Methodologies are not clear

2. Database is so big that keeping updated information is nearly impossible.

  • For consumers who prefer only a top specialist based on extensive surveys performed, there are three well-known establishments claim they have the best doctors in America. Each one has their own methodology in place, some more extensive than others. They are MDNationwide Inc, with more than 3,000 of the best doctors in America, the Best Doctors establishment with more than 30,000 best doctors in America, and the Castle Connolly establishment with more than 4,500 best doctors in America.


1. Methodology is much clearer

2. Only elite doctors, based on surveys conducted, are added to these databases.

3. Licensure status, certifications and other credentials are researched.

4. Best doctor databases are smaller, therefore information is easier to update.

5. YOU Get a FREE top Doctor Search


1. Because the number of best doctors is a small percentage, there is less to choose from.

2. Best doctors do not reside in every zip code or city, therefore you may need to travel several hundred miles.

MDNationwide Inc is a comprehensive source for unbiased advice about America's Top Doctors. Visit us at
MDNationwide Inc
Hugo Gallegos-Author/President of Inc
Copyright 2004

Weight Loss : 8 Proven Weight Loss Tips

8 Proven Weight Loss Tips

There are a lot of "crash" diets out there that promise that you'll drop a considerable amount of weight in days or a week.

I have tried a few of these, and in my experience the weight always comes back on, just as quickly since the weight loss tips given are not something that will work with your body.

One thing you don't want to do if you are actually serious about losing weight is to follow these fad diets and their ridiculous weight loss tips.

After their ineffectiveness has been proven time and again, people will start to wise up to that particular diet, and will head off in search of a new craze.

Lets be honest, people are always searching for new weight loss tips because they want to lose pounds and they want immediate results, but this is just wishful thinking.

To lose weight permanently and effectively it will be a rather slow progress, all depending on your metabolic rate and how much you need to lose.

There are however some proven tried and true weight loss tips for aiding in the weight loss process, and I can make you familiar with them.

Weight Loss Tip 1
Don't skip breakfast. Whatever you do follow this advice, because otherwise you are much more likely in fact prone to binge later in the day.

Weight Loss Tip 2
Don't eat anything for at least an hour before going to bed.

Weight Loss Tip 3
Don't snack while watching TV. It's acceptable to eat a meal while watching television, but never is snacking at this time acceptable.

Weight Loss Tip 4
Substitute fruits like; bananas, watermelon, plums, peaches, and oranges for sugary treats like; cookies and candy.

Weight Loss Tip 5
Substitute honey for sugar, and carob powder for chocolate in all recipes. These taste just as good if not better when used properly.

Weight Loss Tip 6
Eat more vegetables. This can even be enjoyable if you have a good cookbook like Good housekeeping's latest edition.

Weight Loss Tip 7
Avoid unnecessary high calorie foods. Instead of a high calorie salad dressing for instance try cottage cheese or yogurt to improve the salads taste and peel of the pounds.

Weight Loss Tip 8
Exercise at least a half hour each day for five days out of the week. Biking on a stationery bike while reading is a great form of exercise to slim legs.

In conclusion there is nothing stopping you from losing weight except yourself. Get off the "I can't do anything about my weight problem" bandwagon and start dropping pounds today!

For more of Beth's expert advice visit her Website now.

Nine Things You Should Know About Yoga for Children

Nine Things You Should Know About Yoga for Children

Here are some guidelines and realistic expectations for parents, who are considering Yoga for their children. For your child, Yoga is much more than a kid's fitness class. Just like adults - kids need time to learn to deal with life's daily pressures, too.

Make sure your child starts with easy postures, and be patient with your child's progress. Some beginner children can often be more flexible than advanced adult Yoga practitioners, but they don't know their own limitations.

Discover your child's real passions. When your child wants to go to Yoga class, it is much better than what you want for your child. This is not to say that you should avoid guidance. However, it is not advisable to push a child into a Yoga class, if your child doesn't enjoy it - no matter how popular Yoga may be. All children are different, and what is good for one of your children, may not agree with another.

Encourage your child to see the deeper benefits of Yoga: Learning to live within the moment, and appreciating the present situation, instead of focusing on desires, these are built-in mental assets of Yoga practice. Enhanced concentration skills are another benefit that will result in improved academic performance.

Look for a qualified Yoga instructor, who has experience in teaching children. Make sure the child's Yoga instructor has adequate experience.

Watch your child practice, with his or her, Yoga teacher, and make sure you are comfortable with the environment, policies, and safety guidelines. Rules and discipline policies are usually in place so that each child can learn Yoga and get the most out of their experience.

For your child's safety at home: Parents who are not familiar with Yoga, should not let their "beginner Yoga children" practice anything beyond beginner techniques, without a competent Yoga instructor's approval. Once your child's Yoga instructor gives approval of home practice, you are fine. This one safety factor should encourage parents to learn Yoga, practice with their children, and live a healthy life.

A smaller kid's Yoga class is actually better than a larger one. This insures that your child's Yoga instructor can pay close attention to each student during practice session.

Price should not be the top factor in choosing your child's Yoga teacher. Would you choose the cheapest dentist, clothes, or car? Very often, "you get what you pay for."

Lastly, with steady practice, you should expect to see your child gradually gain self-esteem, stress management tools, self discipline, enhanced academic performance, and improved athletic skills.

Paul Jerard, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center in, North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher.

Hot Yoga - Bikrams Twenty Six

Hot Yoga - Bikrams Twenty Six

Even though the world population has shifted from mainly rural to mainly urban in the last decade, there are still lots of folks like me who live in the sticks. Doing things like taking a yoga class becomes a different thing in our case from driving to the neighborhood gym. Since I live 40 miles from the nearest town large enough for yoga studios, when I decided to take a class, I was more interested in the schedule than I was the type of yoga. I couldn't afford to be picky if I preferred not to wait around for a couple hours after getting off work. So I looked in the phone book, and didn't pay attention to anything but the schedule. There it was: M-W-F at 4:00. Perfect. I don't know what rock I'd been living under, but the word "Bikram" writ large across the ad in the yellow pages didn't trigger the term 'hot yoga' in my mind, and that left me in for a big surprise.

I showed up with a comfy pair of sweatpants and a long- sleeved t-shirt. As the woman at the desk was giving me a little orientation information - explaining that the room was heated to about 100 degrees Fahrenheit - I realized that my concept of yoga clothes weren't going to work here. Apparently, I wasn't the first to make this error. Susie told me they had loaners. Now, it's been a while since the last time I wore hot-pants, so when she handed me the little scrap of shorts, I thought, "No way." She said, "Trust me, you'll fit right in."

Susie continued, giving a few more orientation tips, which started to seem like a set of warnings. "Our first-time students are encouraged to rest whenever you feel you should - kind of take it gradually. The instructors just ask that you do your best to stay in the room for the entire time." What? Were we still talking yoga here? I'd seen pictures. Sure, I might not be able to balance on one leg while holding the other one over my head at my first try, but come on. How hard could it be to stretch as far as I could go and stop there? Why would I get desperate to leave the room?

Her next suggestion: "OK, I see you brought a bottle of water. That's good, but you'll be tempted to drink a lot, and I recommend you just drink sips - not too much at a time." Hmm. What was I getting into here? It sounded like I was facing some kind of ordeal - not what I had in mind at all since I was thinking of yoga as a peaceful, low- impact way just to stretch and keep my aging body flexible and strong.

Once I was dressed in the little bit of shorts, I opened the door to the yoga studio and was met with a rush of hot, stultifying air. Oh goody. I walked to an open space, spread my mat, lay on my back, and understood exactly what she meant by asking me to at least stay in the room. I was already dripping sweat, and we hadn't even begun the class.

Ninety minutes and twice through the 26 poses later, I was indeed still in the room. In the non-competitive, supportive atmosphere I had been completely guided to go to my edge, but not so far that I would be turned off by struggle. In fact, I was exhilarated. I lay on my back at the end, eyes closed in the peaceful, very hot room, and knew I'd be back for more.

Carina Snowden is a contributing author to href="">Apex Yoga News the leading
resource for yoga information. Visit Carina's archive of
articles at

Medicine : How Distressing is Social Phobia?

How Distressing is Social Phobia?

I remember a friend in college who would blush, sweat, and tremble when required by a teacher to speak in class. A few weeks before the presentation, he'd be anxious, agitated, and couldn't sleep. Because I was still a student then, I didn't have any clue what he was going through. But I knew that something was terribly wrong.

A few years ago while in the airport, I noticed a man who'd wait for everyone to leave the washroom before he'd use the urinal. He wasn't comfortable that someone would see him urinate.

In retrospect, I can say (now that I'm a psychiatrist) that those two individuals might have suffered from Social Phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). I just hope that they are doing well now but the symptoms that they manifested at the time were consistent with this devastating illness.

How bad is Social Phobia or SAD?

Social Phobia or SAD is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by extreme fear, anxiety, or distress when exposed to a social gathering or when doing something before a group of people.

Public speaking is the most common situation that exposes the individual's social fears. An individual suffering from this disorder develops significant anxiety symptoms such as sweating, fast heart beat, tremulousness, and restlessness when making a presentation or giving a minor talk. Even small corporate or committee meetings can cause grave distress.

Urinating in public washrooms, eating in fast food restaurants, writing in front of people or signing documents in a bank can also trigger feelings of fear and discomfort. Individuals with this illness are preoccupied with being embarrassed or criticized by others. Some patients feel that people are so focused on them and are only waiting for blunders to happen.

So Social Phobia can be devastating to a lot of patients and their families. Because of their difficulties in a social milieu, some of them have eventually lost their jobs, friends, and spouses. It is an illness that has wrought havoc to many. It is therefore vital that Social Phobia should be recognized and treated without delay.

Is there any treatment for this illness?

Fortunately, some newer antidepressants such as paroxetine and venlafaxine are known to work and have caused significant relief to a lot of individuals. However, these medications don't work right away. They need to be taken daily for a few weeks to see any benefit. Moreover, the medications' maximum effect may occur within 6-8 weeks or longer. To maintain stability after feeling "normal," patients may have to take the medication for several months to a few years.

In addition to medications, cognitive-behavioral intervention also works well. By restructuring the person's cognition, patients eventually learn to face social situations without fear and uncertainty.

Dr. Michael G. Rayel - author (First Aid to Mental Illness-Finalist, Reader's Preference Choice Award 2002) psychiatrist, and inventor of Oikos Game: A Personal Development and Emotional Skills Game. For more information, please visit

Acne : An Introduction to Acne Treatment

An Introduction to Acne Treatment

Nearly 17 million people in the United States have acne, making it the most common skin disease. Acne affects almost all teenagers as well as a growing number of adults. It attacks all kinds of skin - with little regard to race or gender - on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders, and upper arms. It can take the form of whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, nodules and cysts - even permanent scars. Often, acne clears up after several years, even without treatment. Sometimes, however, action needs to be taken.

Acne is formed when skin cells inside hair follicles shed too fast and clump together, plugging up the follicle and causing a pimple. While mostly genetic, acne can be aggravated by any combination of stress, hormonal activity, hyperactive sebaceous glands, accumulation of dead skin cells, bacteria in the pores, skin irritation or scratching of any sort, anabolic steroids, medications containing halogens (iodides, chlorides, bromides), moisturizer overuse, hair removal, lithium, barbiturates, androgens, or exposure to high levels of chlorine compounds.

Many acne sufferers think they have no recourse but to wait it out and pray that theirs is not a severe case. Today, an overwhelming variety of preventions and treatments exist to combat every kind of acne, from the humblest of whiteheads to the most vicious cystic inflammations. From kitchen to pharmacy to natural food store to dermatologist's office, there are dozens and dozens of treatment routes you can take, depending on your case of acne.

Over-the-counter topical treatments are your first line of defense against acne outbreaks. Benzoyl peroxide is the most popular chemical for this type of treatment, coming in such sommonly known brands as Clearasil, Oxy, and Neutrogena. It is important to treat acne early on, as all treatments are actually preventions against later outbreaks. For more severe cases, there are oral and topical prescription medications, as well as traditional or laser surgery.

Acne Treatment Info provides detailed information on the best acne treatments, including laser acne treatment, and scar treatment, as well as adult, natural, home treatment, and more. Acne Treatment Info is the sister site of Microdermabrasion Web.

Acne : Do Roasted Peanuts Cause Acne?

Do Roasted Peanuts Cause Acne?

Many people wonder what the active cause for acne to occur on an individual really is a result from and some folks even attribute it to roasted peanuts. The truth is acne, zits and blackheads can be caused from a variety of reasons. Your diet is really just one small piece of the acne causing problems. Other factors include exercise, cosmetics, diet, hormones, hygiene, medications, shaving and stress. For the subject of this article I'll stick with the diet portion and how it can influence your resistance or encouragement of acne.

Studies show that diet does not play a role in either the cause or the treatment of acne. However, what is recommended for acne preventative care is a healthy diet along with a vitamin regiment that should prevent any sort of zit or blackhead outbreak. Here is a small list of healthy vitamins, minerals and other supplements that have been known and recommended to prevent and help conquer acne breakouts:

Vitamin A,
Vitamin B Complex,
Vitamin C,
Vitamin E,
L-Carnitine and

In terms of diet the following measures can be taken with the hope of preventing an acne outbreak or at the very least minimizing further outbreaks of zits and blackheads. It's recommended that you add more fruits, veggies, seeds and nuts to your regular diet. This can be accomplished by eating more salads, dried fruit and nut snacks and by drinking more juices.

It is recommended that you decrease your daily intake of caffeine, sugar and refined carbohydrates. There have been some clinical studies showing that caffeine can increase the levels of stress hormones inside your body, provoking or worsening acne conditions. This means you should cut back on your consumption of tea, coffee, chocolate and other beverages containing caffeine. The same advice goes for sugar and refined carbs. For instance white bread, rice, flour, and pasta can result in an insulin surge, resulting further in an excess of male hormones that stimulate skin to discharge lots of sebum, which in turn leads to clogged pores allowing bacteria to grow and acne to appear.

Finally it is also recommended that you decrease your dietary intake of red meat and dairy products. Since both are more difficult for our bodies to digest and some researchers say that when the body puts forth an increased effort in the digestion of high levels of animal protein, waste products are not completely processed as usual, instead they can shed slowly, blocking pores, causing acne.

Hopefully these few diet tips will help in your quest to stop the appearance of acne, zits and blackheads. And remember it hasn't really been proven that roasted peanuts cause acne.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more acne clearing solutions, remedies and home acne treatment information that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Acne : Mineral Makeup a Natural Acne Cure?

Mineral Makeup a Natural Acne Cure?

Mineral makeup may offer new hope for acne sufferers. Because mineral makeup has several unique qualities not offered in any other makeup product that make it ideal for helping cure acne.

To understand how mineral makeup can cure your acne it is necissary to look at the seven causes of acne:

1. Genetics. Sadly, nothing can change your genetics. If your parents had acne as teenagers there is a good chance that you will too.

2. Hormones. During adolesence, hormones called androgens become active and stimulate oil glands in your skin, increasing oil production. This, in turn, clogs pores, causing pimples and blackheads.

3. Stress. Although stress doesn't actually cause acne, it can add to the problem by affecting hormones.

4. Diet. Many times what you eat has been shown to cause acne. Most of the time acne is an adverse reaction your body has to a food allergy.

5. Washing your face too often. This can irritate the skin making acne worse.

6. Medications. Many medications can cause acne or make an existing condition worse. Read labels or talk to your paharmacist to find out if acne is a side effect.

7. Using greasy skin care products and oily cosmetics. Most makeup falls into this category.

While these are the casuse of acne it is important to remember that acne is ultimately a result of bacteria growing in clogged pores. Bacteria is organic and thus cannot grow or multiply without the presence of water. This is where mineral makeup plays an almost magical role in curing acne.

Mineral makeup is made of natural minerals derived from the earth, these minerals are not only inorganic but they are also extremely resistant to water. They actually act as a shield on your face keeping bacteria feeding moisture away from your pores. Mineral makeup is not soluable in water so even if you put water directly on your face the minerals will not be absorbed and the water cannot pass through.

Mineral makeup does not clog pores either. Because it is so finely milled during production, the granules are much smaller than your pores. This not only prevents acne from forming, but makes the makeup extremely easy to blend into the skin with a very flawless look and conceals problem areas very well. If you suffer from a break out the finely milled minerals are very effective as disguising it.

Because of these and other unique qualities mineral makeup is known througout the world as the skin care makeup and recommended to acne sufferers by dermatologists. Ultimately, it does not matter what the cause of your acne is, without water to feed the bacteria, and something to clog the pores and hold that moisture in acne cannot form or worsen. If you suffer from acne, mineral makeup may end up being your best friend.

Find more Mineral Makeup information at Get the facts, ingredients, and benefits as well as advice about which brands are the best.

Acne : Why You Will Never Achieve Long-Lasting Acne Free Skin With The "External" Acne Treatments Today

Why You Will Never Achieve Long-Lasting Acne Free Skin With The "External" Acne Treatments Today

Most of the acne treatments out there just don't have what it takes to get rid of acne.

This is simply because most (or shall I say all) of the acne treatments out there are doing, is just masking the symptoms of acne. And doing absolutely nothing to stop the real cause of acne. Therefore, once you stop using acne treatment, acne will come back again and again every time you stop using it.

This is why acne sufferers continue buy acne treatments month after month (year after year).

And in some cases, most acne treatments will make your acne conditions worse. This is because some acne treatments contains harsh chemical that's not good for your skin, causing it to irritate, itch, peel, and skin dryness.

If you really want to get rid of your acne and achieve a long-term acne free skin. You have to correct the very root problem that is causing acne. You need an internal acne treatment and not the external acne treatments you see today.

You should know that acne is just an external feedback to a much larger problem happening on the inside of your body, and not your skin itself.

So you really need to stop looking at your skin as the problem because acne has nothing to do with your skin and everything to do with what's happening on the inside of your internal system.

Houa Yang is the author of "The Definite Guide To Acne Free Skin." It reveals the same method he personally used himself to get rid of acne in 3 days and stop it from ever coming back for the past 4 years...without any prescription drugs or acne medications! For more info visit:

Acne : Acne Prevention Tips

Acne Prevention Tips

Preventing acne is an extremely difficult thing to do. There really isn't a cure for it, yet it drags yourself esteem way down. So just what can an acne suffer do to help minimize breakouts? Here are some basic tips to help control your condition.

Wash Your Skin Gently:

When you wash you should be very careful about how hard you press or rub your face. If you press to hard it will irritate your skin. This can also break open any pimples that you currently have. So, be sure to press lightly when washing and drying your face.

Dont Pop those Zits:

Popping pimples is a really bad idea. By breaking them open you can leave scares and cause more infection.

Avoid Stress:

Stress will cause you to have a breakout. You need to make sure you get enough sleep, eat healthy, and take time to have some fun. This will be one of the hardest things to do when trying to prevent acne.

Loose Clothing:

Loose clothing will be much more easier on your skin when your working out. Tight clothing will cause the sweat and oil to be absorbed into your skin more then it needs to be. Loose clothing will also allow for less irritation from the clothing itself.

These are just some general tips to get you started with your acne prevention. If your acne has gotten out of hand you should always go see your family

Tyler Casselman runs the healthy skin protal at Healthy Skin 4U

Acne : Use Essential Fatty Acid To Help You Prevent or Eliminate Your Acne

Use Essential Fatty Acid To Help You Prevent or Eliminate Your Acne

To eliminate or clear your face of acne it will require you take a variety of health steps. The use of essential fatty acids is but one step. I have identified 10 different steps but will only discuss one step in this article - using essential fatty acids.

Getting sufficient essential fatty acids is of prime importance in clearing acne. It's these fatty acids that help to control the production of excess androgens - the hormones that surge during the teen-age times It is androgens, which causes excess sebum oil to clog your hair follicle and contribute to creating your acne.

The three fatty acids you need to get daily are:




When you are deficient in these essential fatty acids, you will have,

ทA weaken immune system

ทInflammatory disorders

ทPoor skin

ทSkin eruptions and other wounds that won't heal

ทSebum production increases (this is what happens

when you have acne)

ทSebaceous glands size increases

Eating essential oils are necessary to provide you the right oils that are used in the sebaceous glands. These oils can come from straight vegetable oils or from oils in specific foods such as nuts and seeds.

Here's what you need to do. Use flax seed oil (omega-3 oil) and olive oil (omega-6 oil) in your salad. These are the best oils to eat and are called polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The other oil that is even better for you is called monounsaturated fatty acid or omega-9. This oil is found in avocados and somewhat in olive oil.

Most diets people have contain an excess of omega-6 oil (olive oil), so mostly likely you need to concentrate on getting more omega-3 oil (flax seed oil) into your diet.

You can get omega-3 oil from,


ทsesame seeds

ทpumpkin seeds


ทdark leafy green vegetables (spinach, mustard greens, kale)

ทwheat germ oil



ทalbacore tuna

Or, you can take one to two tablespoon of flax seed oil, omega-3 oil, each day. This will give you the amount of omega-3 oil that your body needs. You can add this oil to your morning cereal, soups, smoothies, salads and other liquid foods.

You can get omega-6 oil from,

ทolive oil

ทflaxseed oil


ทgrape seed oil

ทpistachio nuts


ทsunflower seeds


ทevening primrose oil

ทpumpkin seeds

ทpine nuts

Taking 2-3 tablespoons of omega-6 oil a day will give you the amount of this oil that you body needs.

So, to control those androgens and help your body reduce the production of acne or pimples start using more essential fatty acids.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. His information can be seen at

Acne : Emotionally Dealing with Acne

Is There A Solution For Acne?

re there acne solutions that really work? If you are plagued by acne this may be a question that you have asked. There are acne solutions that really work and this article will give you some ideas of what you can try so you will be able to find some acne solutions that really work.

Acne solutions that really work idea #1: Check to see if you have a food allergy. Believe it or not this can be the reason for some very nasty cases of acne.

Acne solutions that really work idea #2: If you have problems with digestion this can cause acne because the stomach contains too much acid and then your body can't absorb nutrients you need.

Acne solutions that really work idea #3: Try drinking more water. You should drink six to eight glasses a day because the water will help your body systems to work properly.

Acne solutions that really work idea #4: Be careful that you do not eat too many foods that contain iodine.

Acne solutions that really work idea #5: Many people find that when they cut down on milk, sugar, refined processed food, meats that are high in fat, nuts and white flour, acne is not a problem.

Acne solutions that really work idea #6: Balanced sea salt is a good substitute for iodized salt and can help those with acne.

Acne solutions that really work idea #7: Foods that are high in trans-fatty acids can be a cause of acne. Stay away from these foods.

There are acne solutions that really work and the information above should be helpful if you are faced with acne problems.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more acne clearing solutions, remedies and acne treatment information that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Acne : What is Acne?

What is Acne?

What is acne? Acne is a term attributed to plugged pores, commonly known as blackheads and whiteheads, pimples, and even cysts or nodules, occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and upper arms. Follicles, often called pores, often get blocked with sebum (oil), which normally drains to the surface, and a bacteria propionibacterium acnes, begins to grow. Both whiteheads and blackheads start out as a "microcomedone" which then become skin blemishes called comedones. Acne can be upsetting, disfiguring, sometimes leading to permanent scarring.

There are different types of acne. A white head is a lesion where trapped sebum and bacteria stay below the skin surface. A blackhead, on the other hand, is a lesion where trapped sebum and bacteria partially open to the surface and turn black due to the skin pigment melanin.

A papule is a small solid lesion slightly elevated above the surface of the skin. A pustule, again, is a dome-shaped skin elevation containing pus: a mixture of white blood cells, dead skin cells, and bacteria. It often has a hair in the center. A macule is a temporary red spot left by a healed acne lesion. It is flat and pinkish, with well-defined borders that can persist for days to weeks. A number of macules can contribute to the "inflamed face" appearance of acne. A nodule is a solid dome-shaped or irregularly shaped lesion, characterized by pain, inflammation and extending into deeper layers of the skin. It may cause tissue destruction resulting in scarring.

A cyst is a sac-like lesion containing white blood cells, dead cells, and bacteria. It may be severely inflamed and painful, extending into deeper layers of the skin and can result in scarring.

Who gets acne? Acne affects teenagers mostly; however it can occur in adults of all age groups also. Acne starts between the ages of ten and thirteen and usually lasts for five to ten years. It normally goes away on its own in the early twenties but can stretch into the late twenties or thirties or even beyond. Some people get acne for the first time as adults.

The treatment of acne is not difficult at all. Following a clear regimen helps considerably. Gentle cleansing plus plenty of 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide gives a clear skin as Benzoyl peroxide kills the acne bacteria well. A little itchiness after an application is quite normal, and some people also experience redness of the skin for the initial couple of weeks. However, this will definitely get better because it will cure the acne and prevent any new outbreaks.

Lana Hampton is the webmaster of Visit her site today for the latest acne information, treatments and product reviews.

Acne : Shopping for Sensitive Skin: A Guide for the Acne and Rosacea Conscious

Shopping for Sensitive Skin: A Guide for the Acne and Rosacea Conscious

Acne and rosacea patients take note- you must know about proper skin-care and cosmetic usage to successfully manage your sensitive skin. This is the counsel of Dr. Diane Berson, who runs a dermatology practice in New York City.

A critical step in reducing skin sensitivity is understanding the importance of the stratum corneum. The stratum corneum is the outermost layer of the skin and is composed of dead, flat skin cells held together by the protein keratin. This skin barrier prevents molecules from passing into and out of the skin and thereby protects the lower layers of skin while reducing skin sensitivity.

Healthy, uninjured skin is more effective at preventing skin irritations that may result from using cosmetics and skin care products. Individuals with altered nerve endings or more neurotransmitters under their skin are more susceptible to minor skin irritants in cosmetics and skin care products. When the skin is excessively dry or damaged, it cannot adequately protect these nerve endings. Sound moisturizing and a strong immune system help minimize possible skin irritants.

Some of Dr. Berson's recommendations for caring for sensitive skin include:

Selecting mild cleansers. Use mild cleansing agents that have synthetic detergents or lipid-free cleansers. Resist using abrasive cleansers since they can cause microscopic tears in the skin and damage the protective layers of the skin.

Rosacea patients should not use alcohol-based products such as toners or astringents.

Acne patients will benefit from toners that contain salicylic acid or alpha hydroxy acid. However, when starting a retinoid treatment, temporarily discontinue using a toner or astringent since the combination may make the retinoid more irritating. Acne patients must also limit or abstain from excessively rough cleansing and washing. Julie Harper, M.D., who directs a clinic to treat acne at the University of Alabama at Birmingham laments, "Teenagers think they have acne because they do not wash enough, but usually they are washing too often with harsh scrubs that make their symptoms worse."

Using moisturizers. Tracy L. Grosick, a key skin care product researcher with Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati says that when the skin's moisture barrier is intact, it helps the skin to combat environmental attacks that are encountered on a daily basis. When acne and rosacea patients are using treatments that dry the skin, moisturizers may improve the skin's barrier function. Dr. Benson recommends using moisturizers with the least amount of ingredients.

Rosacea patients should choose a moisturizer with only glycerin, petrolatum, or aloe vera, which might be anti-inflammatory.

Acne patients should also stick with products containing the least amount of ingredients.

Using noncomedogenic sunscreens. Rosacea patients need to use a physical-blocking products containing zinc oxide or titanium dioxide because these ingredients will not irritate red, inflamed skin and will provide optimal protection.

Acne patients with oily skin should use noncomedogenic, non-pore clogging, products. Select an alcohol-based or gel-based sunscreen.

Preservatives. The best preservatives for sensitive skin are those containing parabens like methyl paraben and butyl paraben.

The key to keeping sensitive skin less susceptible to irritation is ensuring the integrity of your stratum corneum, the skin's primary defensive barrier. You can start by using a minimalist moisturizer, and noncomedogenic sunscreen.


American Academy of Dermatology (

Dermatology Times. Patricia Reiman. Alleviating sensitivity: Study finds moisturizers with niacinamide make skin more resilient. March 1, 2004 Dermatology Times. Cheryl Guttman. Sensitive skin valid patient problem. May 1, 2002.

E Skin and Allergy News. Timothy F. Kirn. Lifestyle, Cosmetics Integral to Acne, Rosacea Tx. August 2003.

Naweko San-Joyz writes health and beauty articles from her home in San Diego. She recently published "Acne Messages: Crack the code of your zits and say goodbye to acne" (ISBN: 0974912204). Naweko is presently working on title called "Skinny Fat Girls, Why we're still not getting this diet thing" (ISBN: 0974912212) for release in May of 2005. To challenge and verify her research, San-Joyz trains for figure competitions.

Acne : Acne and Skin Problem Myths Debunked

Acne and Skin Problem Myths Debunked

Isn't skin a wonderful thing to have?

An obvious benefit of skin is that it protects our bodies' internal organs from harmful elements like dirt, insects, bites, toxic chemicals, nasty weather, and the like, and it certainly is more attractive than what's underneath.

When skin is healthy it's nice to look at, but when it's diseased, it can not only affect you physically, but more painfully can cause stress and social problems.

Like the common cold, acne and similar skin diseases can be treated and covered up, but cannot really be cured. The best treatment is prevention and knowledge about what makes your skin happy, so that you can avoid skin care enemies and breakout triggers.

The real cause of acne can vary from individual to individual, but some factors can be stated with relative certainty:

1. Acne occurs when pores or hair follicles become blocked or clogged.

2. There are basically 4 types of acne manifestations: whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, and nodules.

3. Acne can appear pretty much anywhere on the skin, though it causes the most concern when it shows up on the face. The worst forms of acne break out, however, on the chest and back, and most commonly on males rather than females because of hormonal differences.

4. There are many common myths and untruths about acne, rosacea, and other skin care problems.

Some acne myths include "you'll outgrow it, so leave it alone", "being out in the sun helps acne", "acne problems are directly or indirectly proportionate to sexual activity", "acne visits dirty people", "acne is contagious", and too many more to list in this short article.

The sad thing is that belief in the myths can be devasting, in that proper treatment is avoided, and lifestyle changes that don't need to be made can take away pleasure unnecessarily.

For example, at one point in my life, I truly believed that I was allergic to chocolate and that it caused my breakouts. Whenever I would succumb to the temptation and have "just a little" I would stress out waiting for the red spots, and sure enough they would appear.

After several years and much experimentation, I learned I had no allergy, the stress was a trigger for me, and a new over the counter face scrub has kept me in the clear ever since.

Knowing what triggers your breakouts can be the difference between constant battles and healthy skin. The Internet is a wonderful place to get the information you need, so stop stressing out and learn what it takes to put your best face forward.

Dennis Becker has developed a free e-Course titled "Ultimate Acne Prevention and Treatment Guide" which debunks the myths and shows you how to look great consistently. The e-Course, along with other skin care articles can be accessed at:

Acne : Emotionally Dealing with Acne

Emotionally Dealing with Acne

It is a fact that nearly 17 million people in the United States alone currently have acne. Thus, acne is the most common skin disease. However, if so many americans are afflicted with this skin disease, then why is there a social stigma with acne? Due to the ever increasing social and media pressure on americans to become as beautiful as they can be, acne can be a detering blow. If acne is untreated, then it can lead to disfiguration of the skin and permanent scarring affecting self esteem for years to come.

First, acne must not only be treated physically, but emotionally as well. Since acne predominantly affects teens during puberty, which is a stage of generally low self-esteem as the body develops, acne can cause deep emotional scars as well. How does a teen, who is constantly bombarded by media influences telling them that they have to look perfect, accept acne as a common problem that should have no effect on their personal worth? There are several tips that these teens can do that can help overcome acne emotionally.

Attend Motivational Summer Camps
Join Clubs at School
Participate in Sports
Develop a Talent
Work at a Part-Time Job
These tips help build self-esteem that acne breaks down. For instance, if a teen participates in sports, then not only will they feel that they are part of a group (comradery) but also revel in the accomplishments of the team. A Part-Time job gives the teen a sense of worth, that they can be a valuable part of the work force. The money earned helps gives the teen more self-worth, that they have earned it. If the teen has a natural talent, such as music, the parents can encourage the teen to develop the talent.

Developing a talent not only instills within the teen a healthy work ethic (practice), but seeing the gradual improvement will help boost self-esteem. Perhaps the largest resource that teens can use to overcome the emotional scars of acne is their parents. If parents talked to their teens regularly, and have open conversations with their teen about their acne, then the teen will feel less ashamed of their dilema. Parents can also relate their own experiences with acne, since most americans deal with pimples and zits at least in some point in their life. Parents can also get advice from other parents on how they have helped their teens deal with acne.

On there is a forum where both parents and teens can write about their own experiences with acne, and learn from what others have written.

While acne can be devestating for teens during the developmental years of puberty, the worst scarring can be emotional, not physical. Teens should always remember that acne is a common skin disease that affects many americans. If acne is hurting their self-esteem, parents can boost their self-worth by maintaining open conversations with their children and encourage activities such as clubs, sports, and developing talents.

Dan Goggins is a recent college graduate with interests in small businesses and family life. You can read family and business advice at his website.

Acne : Acne - Prevention And Treatment

Acne - Prevention And Treatment

Acne is the most common skin related ailment in the United States, and although it is non-lethal it can have very detrimental psychological effects due to its highly visible nature and the scarring it can cause on the skin. Acne can effect all age groups but it is most prominent in the 12-24 age group.

Acne is most common among teenagers. It is caused when excess oil on the skin (which is ordinarily absorbed or let out of the pores) clogs the pores causing sores which are often called pimples, zits or spots. Teenagers often suffer from hormonal imbalance in the oil producing glands during puberty, this can cause too much oil to be produced leading to acne.

Acne typically occurs on the face, neck, and upper body. It is most commonly found on the face, this is particularly bad since it is the most visible place the acne can occur. Facial acne can cause great embarassment to its sufferers.

It is not understood why some people never develop acne whereas some people suffer chronically from it. As already mentioned hormones have a great role to play in acne formation, in particular the male sex hormone androgen. This hormone is produced in the bodies of boys and girls at puberty and can cause acne to develop. Changes in hormones caused by pregnancy or contraceptive pills can also induce acne.

Hormones are not the only factor present in acne formation. Surpisingly, while not really inheritable, acne can be traced along hereditary lines. So a family history of acne can raise the chance of young people in that family contracting it at some point in their puberty. One good measure you can take to prevent acne is to ensure you keep clean. Uncleanliness can be a factor in acne development (although by no means is it the only factor). Humidity and pollution can lead to acne also by blocking pores.

On the other hand, there are many popular myths and delusions about what causes acne. Acne does not occur as a result of stress, or of eating chocolate and greasy food.

Also, acne is not an infectious disease, i.e. it cannot be transmitted by touch or through a sexual intercourse (like Chlamydia ~ which is also a skin disease but is transmitted sexually).

Acne prevention, if possible at all, is very difficult. What can be done is to take the necessary measures not to make it worse. In most cases, a visit to the dermatologist is mandatory in order to prescribe treatment but still there are remedies that do not involve drugs.

The most important rule is to keep one~s skin clean and not to squeeze the pimples. Squeezing the pimples temporarily removes your enemy from your face but it does not remove the cause for the disease and what is worse ~ if the pimples get infected, more treatment will be needed.

As already mentioned, hygiene is very important for keeping acne under control. When skin is dirty, this places an additional burden on the pores, thus making oil secretion even more difficult. Therefore, it is recommended always to use clean towels (preferably paper ones, since they cannot have been used by somebody else before you) to wipe one~s face. Also, often change your pillowcase, because it is another item that frequently comes into contact with the face.

Using specially designed cleaning lotions can help to remove oil, sweat and acne-producing bacteria from the face, just take care not to scrub your face too hard as this can irritate any pimples on your face and make the acne worse.

David Perzman is the owner of
ACNE Life -- lots of information and resources on Acne containing articles and a free newsletter.
For all the information you want, go to:

Acne : Cystic Acne and Some Natural Treatments

Cystic Acne and Some Natural Treatments

More severe cases of acne tend to be characterized not just by the presence of pimples and blemishes, but also by the formation of nodules or cysts. Acne that involves the development of cysts is called cystic acne.

A cystic acne lesion is much larger than a regular pimple, sometimes 5mm or more in diameter. These lesions can be hard and painful. Cystic acne lesions are filled with pus but should not be squeezed. Squeezing a cystic lesion can lead to a worse infection and inflammation. The lesions are prone to scarring and should be taken care of by a dermatologist, who often uses procedures to reduce swelling and to lessen the likelihood of scar formation.

In severe cases of cystic acne, it may be a good idea to consult a dermatologist about treatment. But there are many holistic remedies and preventative measures one can take against cystic acne. An alternative medicine practitioner should be consulted about some of these holistic remedies, while other more common procedures can easily be performed at home with no medical supervision.

Many dermatologists and alternative medicine practitioners believe that cystic acne can be controlled to some degree through diet. Cystic acne is often the result of an unknown allergic reaction to particular foods.

The first step in controlling cystic acne through diet is to experiment with the systematic elimination of certain foods. It is also helpful to add certain foods to your diet that are known to help in the recovery of severely acne prone skin.

Sugary foods and foods that contain milk or dairy products are commonly the trigger for cystic acne. As you experiment with eliminating these food types, be sure to read package labels closely so that you are not ingesting sugar and dairy products unknowingly. Be aware that it may be several weeks before you notice a change.

Foods containing trans-fatty acids are also a common irritant to skin prone to cystic acne. Foods like margarine, shortening, fried foods, salty snacks, soda, and meat contain trans-fatty acids and should be avoided.

Many people who suffer from cystic acne find that the addition of fruits and vegetables high in Vitamin A carotene can help to ease their condition. These foods include dark leafy vegetables, and yellow-orange vegetables and fruits such as carrots, yams, and squash.

It is also helpful to drink up to four quarts of purified water a day to eliminate toxins and to help the transportation of essential nutrients to the skin.

Cystic acne can also be aggravated by stress. Alternative medicine practitioners often suggest making yoga, breathing exercises, and meditation part of your daily activities. These activities can help to reduce stress levels, thereby decreasing the skin's tendency to produce cystic acne lesions. Getting enough sleep is also essential in holistic therapy treatments.

Sufficient and appropriate cleansing is also an important part of holistically taking care of skin prone to cystic acne.

To clean your skin effectively, wash it gently twice a day using warm water. Do not scrub or use harsh cleansing agents that are abrasive or high in Ph, which can aggravate the condition. Mild soaps are more effective. To dry your skin, pat it gently with a soft towel.

If you are considering treating cystic acne holistically, these tips are a good place to start. You may wish to consult an alternative medicine practitioner about further herbal and holistic therapies.

Greg Podsakoff is a former acne sufferer, and currently provides information on treating acne, pimples, and zits, via an objective informational skincare website,

Acne : Acne Program - Step 12 Change The Way You Think

Acne Program - Step 12 Change The Way You Think

Your thoughts have a lot to do with why you have acne. Most people will not even give this idea a single thought. You can get rid of acne without changing your way of thinking, but your thoughts will create some other illness that you might not see.

Most illnesses begin with the way you think, the way you are, or your basic philosophy. Your thoughts create chemicals that flow into your blood and affect the function of your entire body.

So if you have acne, it was created by the way you think. If you have ulcers, heart problems, or anything else, these were created by the way you think. Your thinking prevents you from eating and doing the things that you need to do to have good health or clear clean skin.

If you have acne or any disease, it is an opportunity for you to stop and think about why you have it. Acne is an expression of your thinking. Everything about you - the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you dress, that way you eat, the diseases you come down with, the way you do everything - originates in your thought process.

Here is one place to start your self-examination.

Start by being more accepting of yourself. What I have learned in the past is that no matter how much you put yourself down or how critical you are of yourself, it will not change the world around you. The world and you are still the same.

So, just get over it. Stop fighting who you are.

Accept yourself as you are and get on with the purpose of your life. Just get on with it. Don't worry about what other people are thinking and doing. That's their problem not yours.

You need to learn how to "face yourself." When you have acne you may not want to look at yourself and "face who you are?"

If you have acne, there is always some underlying emotions and feelings that are being expressed by your acne. Look into yourself and try to see what you are saying with your acne.

If you cannot find it, see if you can relate it to constipation. Constipation and a toxic colon is typically the cause of acne. But to go one-step further, all physical illness are created by some emotional unbalance that you are holding onto.

Acne can be a representation of repressed traumas that you have experienced as a child when you were growing up. I know you may not want to hear this. But, Acne can be an expression of those traumas trying to burst out of the repressive mechanisms that your body creates to prevent you from facing these traumas until you are ready to do so.

Some effort has to be make to connect and release these traumas, otherwise as you clear your face these traumas can move to some other parts of your body where they will be unseen and destroy tissue and body functions.

If you have a negative thought, ask yourself this question, "does this thought or idea help me or others become a better person?" If not, then let go of this thought and move on to a better thought and a better place in your life.

Good Luck To You

Follow the 12 steps for getting rid of acne and you will get results. Follow these steps and your face will clear and become smooth and lovable.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter call "" More acne hints and information on his acne e-book can be found at:

Acne : How to have beautiful Face Skin Free of Acne

How to have beautiful Face Skin Free of Acne

To have beautiful, soft, radiant skin you need to eat plenty of the right fresh fruits, vegetables, fiber, and water. Water and fiber are critical because it helps to move out toxins using the regular channels of elimination rather than using the skin as an exit point.

A word of Caution: Sudden face or body eruptions can indicate a potentially serious medical condition. If your blemishes look large and like welts, this could be caused by a serious medical condition and you would need to see your doctor immediately.

You can deal with you acne or skin problems by, also applying known nutritional and herbal remedies that give you better health and give your skin the nutrients it needs.

The beauty of your skin is a reflection of the health of your organs and upon your psychological condition. The way the inside of your body looks like is reflected on your face, physical appearance and your thoughts.

The amount of work you put into clearing your acne will determine how quickly you clear your face. By being consistent in following good health practices, you will be able to get rid of your acne.

If your acne is heredity, it is not true that you cannot do anything about it. If you know that other members of the family have had acne and previous generations also, then you are susceptible to acne. Knowing this, you can now arm yourself with some powerful nutritional and hygiene habits that will prevent acne from taking hold.

Traditional Medical Acne Treatments

I do not recommend using medications for acne, such as,

* Benzoyl peroxide - opens pores to kill bacteria

* Antibiotics - erythromycin, tetracycline - kill bacteria everywhere it goes in your body and skin.

* Retin A - helps to break open plugged pores, prevents new plugged pores, and helps to prevent scarring.

* Topical steroid, cortisone derivative, drug

These drugs and many others have serious side effects that you will want to avoid. If you are dark skinned and are using Benzoyl Peroxide, you can end up spotting your face as a side effect.

Most of these medications take three to ten weeks to provide results.

All my recommendations are for natural methods to relieve acne.

Different Remedies

In future articles, I will be outlining some of the remedies and steps you need to take to clear your acne. These remedies and natural foods that you use will not only help beatify your skin but will also help you to get rid of acne.

You may have to experiment to determine what works for you. By providing you with many choices, this gives you the best possible chance of you succeeding in gaining better health for your face. Also, not all remedies provide the same benefits to each person.

So this is where your experimental skills come in. You may have to test a few things, but in the process you will be learning about how to take care of your body. This information will stay with you a lifetime.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter call "" More acne hints and information on his acne e-book can be found at:

Acne : Clear Skin

Clear Skin

Want clear skin?

Clear, beautiful skin is the object of desire for many, and thanks to modern nutraceutical and cosmetic technology, a new natural acne and blemish fighting supplement offers powerful skin clearing benefits as well as skin toning, smoothing and age prevention.

Just as certain popular prescription skin clearing medications, this acne supplement helps clear existing acne and blemishes, but in addition to that it also helps to heal and smooth old acne scars and give the skin a refinished surface by delivering just the right amounts of key antioxidants and natural hormone balancing agents to the skin, eliminating damaging free radicals and restoring skin tone and clarity.

While the primary purpose of this skin supplement is to clear the skin of acne blemishes and residual scarring, many of its ingredients also serve a double purpose of skin clearing and antiaging.

Several ingredients used in the formula are known to help firm and "plump" the skin, thereby reducing lines and wrinkles, as well as helping to reduce the appearance of any scarring from old acne blemishes. This precise combination of natural compounds actually helps destroy the free radicals that are responsible for the chemical reactions that cause damage to and breakdown of collagen, the skin's biggest support system.

So, how can these antiaging properties can also lend themselves to clear, beautiful skin?

Think of your skin as an artist's canvas and think of collagen as the wood and nails that support that canvas. The artist's canvas is stretched on small supportive beams of wood, attached by small nails. The canvas (skin) is taut because of the fact that it is stretched and firmly supported by the wood and the nails (collagen - skin's biggest support system).

Over time, or perhaps because of some type of trauma, the nails and wood (collagen) supporting the canvas (your skin) will break down, causing the "canvas" to pucker (skin's equivalent sagging and loss of tone). This skin sagging results in higher visibility of acne scarring since the tautness that held it up is now slackening it's hold, creating a "crater" effect or "puckered" effect, making the acne scarring more visible.

So, do you see the benefit of combining skin clearing agents with skin firming agents? It's truly the best way to attack acne problems and get on the road to clear, beautiful skin!

Danna Schneider is the webmaster of, a cosmetic and beauty product review site. The acne treatment discussed in this article can be found at

Acne : Whats The Real Cause Of Acne?

Whats The Real Cause Of Acne?

Most acne medications only mask the symptoms of acne and does nothing to stop the real cause of acne. This is why people buy acne products month after month (year after year). And every time they stop using the product acne would come back again and again.

What you need to do is find out what the real cause of acne is and stop it.

So what's the real cause of acne?

Acne occurs when your body contains more toxics than your kidneys and bowels can remove. (Your kidneys and bowels are the two primary channels of elimination that your body expel toxics and waste products through.)

These toxics can be the accumulation of fat stored chemicals the liver can not wash out or there may be a problem with fat digestion, fat accumulation, food allergy, or even the accumulation of hormones that your body produces.

Once these toxics build up, your kidneys and bowels can get overloaded and clogged up, causing it to not function properly. When that happens some of the load will be dumped onto your liver. One of your liver's main roles is to metabolize pile up fat into usable energy for your body.

This means, your liver will be doing some of your kidney's work. So now, your liver gets overloaded and it too will not work at full capacity.

What happens when your bowels, kidneys, and liver gets overloaded?

When that happen your body will expel toxins through your lungs and skin (your secondary channels of elimination). And this is when acne occurs. This is when your skin starts to breakout.

But whatever the toxic source is that's causing this problem, acne is a sign that your bowels and kidneys are overloaded with toxins, waste products, or hormones.

It is a sign that your liver is growing weaker in its detoxification abilities (and it will continue to grow weaker if you do not do what it takes to get rid of the toxics in your body).

So if you think that acne is your only problem, think again, your liver, kidneys, and bowels are getting weaker every time you breakout.

Houa Yang is the author of "The Definite Guide To Acne Free Skin." It reveals the same method he personally used himself to get rid of acne in 3 days and stop it from ever coming back for the past 4 years...without any prescription drugs or acne medications! For more info visit: