Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Using Weight Loss Drugs Helped Me to Diet Safely

Using Weight Loss Drugs Helped Me to Diet Safely

extra pounds? Sometimes, I got so disheartened by all the fancy new fad diets and miracle cures, because it didn't seem to matter what I tried, I just couldn't lose an inch. Ok, so that's a little exaggeration, but I really have followed through on some of these diet and exercise regimes only to show minimal results from maximum effort. After giving known diets and exercise a fair crack at the weight loss whip, I decided to take a cautious look into weightloss drugs.

Most of us have heard the horror stories regarding the long term use of diet pills and the like, so although I was a little uncomfortable with the idea of using any kind of weightloss drugs, I thought little harm could come out of a bit of simple research. My thoughts on these have changed somewhat since looking up some facts online regarding drugs to loose weight.

One of the first things I discovered is that it's foolish to use weight loss drugs purely for trivial cosmetic purposes. Folks that just need to loose a little excess fat for bikini season or similar, should simply work out and eat right for a few weeks. Weightloss drugs are mainly for folks who suffer from obesity, but even then, they are used in conjunction with, and not instead of, more traditional weight loss programs. So, the misconception that you can watch the pounds just drop off while slouching in your favorite arm chair eating donuts, just aint gonna work.

In actual fact, weightloss drugs work their best when used in combination with healthy diet and regular exercise. There are basically 2 types of weightloss pharmaceuticals: Drugs that reduce the dieter's appetite and those that reduce fat-absorption. I also discovered that weightloss drugs are pretty low risk when taken under medical supervision. That is, prescribed by your doctor if he or she thinks your condition warrants them, and monitored for effectiveness and potential side effects.

So what are the potential side effects? Well, some of the most common may include such things as headache or dizziness, restlessness, tremors, nervousness or anxiety, insomnia, dry mouth, diarrhea or constipation. There are more serious though rarer complaints, which is why anyone should consult their doctor prior to making any decisions regarding the use of weightloss drugs for diet. Don't forget to ask the doctor for a list of the potential side effects of any drugs he might recommend too, this way you'll be better able to make an informed choice.

I'm happy to report that I've been on a weight loss program of action for a few months now, and I'm seeing great results for my efforts at long last. My doctor had prescribed me some weightloss drugs and also referred me to a nutritionist. I have a healthy eating plan, a regular exercise regime, and a controlled use of diet pills for a duration. I'm one happy camper, but I can't stress enough the need to get professional advice prior to taking any course of weightloss drugs or new eating patterns.

Linda Fletcher is a proficient writer and webmaster for Slender Folks dot com where she writes on such issues as The Zone Diet and The Free Diet Plan. She also has many other health and weight loss related pieces on the site.


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